Getting fit with … Seth St. Onge

Rex Middleton

, Headlines


Years Exercising:
Approximately 3 years

5 times a week

Favorite exercise:
Bench Press

Favorite motivational saying:
“Just Do It”

What inspired you to start exercising?
Friends, mostly. I like the healthy lifestyle
exercising offers me.

How has being consistent with your fitness
benefited you?
Working out helps you set a
consistent schedule. I find it hard to hit the gym
when you stop or take a break.

What do your family or friends think of
your fitness habits?
They think it’s motivating

What are the challenges you have over-come to maintain your fitness?
Neck injury that gave me extreme head
pains when I starting working out. I had to stop
working out for six months.

What advice would you give someone who
is just starting their fitness journey?
Form, Form, Form. Performing the exercise
correctly will more effectively target the
muscle you are working out. Start with light
weight and perform the movement slowly to
learn to correct form. Don’t sacrifice form for
more weight.

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